Monday 23 February 2015

Understanding film an TV: Technologies

Satellite is a way of broadcasting TV by receiving signals from communications satellites suspended in orbit around the earth with the use of a satellite dish connected directly to your television by a cable. The downside to this technology is that the signal can be effected by something such as bad weather conditions.

Cable television is a way of distributing television to customers through radio frequencies or light pulses through cable wires. It can also provide multiple other services such as internet and voice calls. Cable is a much less recent technology than satellite and has been around much longer.

High Definition television is a recent improvement in television hardware. Allowing viewers to watch TV in much higher resolutions than before. 1080p used to be the highest standard for High Definition TV, now it has been upgraded to the 4K TV which allows over 8 million pixels on screen at one time.

Analogue is a continuous signal that can vary in frequency and amplitude. All television signals were once analogue. at this point in time only five channels were available BBC 1, BBC 2, ITV 1, Channel 4 and Channel 5. Analogue has now been universally replaced by digital in the UK and many other countries.Digital
Digital signals are not continuous. Instead they switch between two separate binary states: On (1) and off (0). Much more data can be transmitted at one time through this kind of signal rather than analogue. That is why so many more channels can be provided on digital TV, as opposed to the original 5 channels available on analogue tv.

Interactive TV is a kind of television that allows the viewer to not only recieve information but send it back to the broadcaster. For example many shows have an interactive element that can be triggered by pushing the red button on the remote. On a television provider like Sky you can push the red button to play games.

The dawn of the internet and websites like Vimeo and Youtube revolutionised the media industry. An entirely new kind of media was created, advertisers were forced to adapt to the new online video, which is now a huge business, with Youtube videos being monetised with the use of advertisements, there are many people that now make a living from creating video content for the internet. Also advertisements can be uploaded to the internet for free., for the whole world to see and also be monetised at the same time. 
Not only did the internet start online video, but it also made piracy incredibly easy for the average consumer. This has hit media industry hard and put them in a difficult position, one that they still have yet to figure out, seeing as bills like SOPA, PIPA and CISPA made to regulate the internet have failed time and time again they may actually have to think of a new business model to compensate for the huge, impossible to police piracy of media that happens through the use of the internet.
Another way that the internet has changed the face of the media industry is with online streaming websites such as Netflix, that famously killed off the video renting businesses such as Blockbuster by making it much more convenient and cheap to obtain films and television shows. People are also getting less TV subscriptions and opting for internet based options instead.

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