Thursday 18 June 2015

Editing Techniques

Labelling tapes is a practice that must be followed when making a film for the sake of organisation. if a tape is not labelled then it is very possible that a tape could be lost among others due to there being no indication of what is on the tape. A tape should always be labelled to ensure the safety of footage so that none of it is lost.
The software I used to edit my film was Adobe CS6 Premiere Pro. This software can be used to edit films to a proffesional standard.
When editing I created "Bins" which are essentially folders that you can put your footage in. I organised my footage by putting them in these bins so that I knew where they were.
A serious issue I faced during editing is poor audio that was recorded during the shooting process. I tried my best to fix this with the tools Premiere Pro had available, but it wasn't completely fixable.
The vast majority of the video in Anaesthetic had no issues. There were occasional jumps and missing frames but nothing serious.
I think I could have done a better job while editing Anaesthetic. But even then there were many problems with the film that simply could not be fixed.

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